Anna Karenina
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Nájdených 431 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
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Anna Karenina - Lev Nikolajevič TolstojOne of the greatest novels ever written, Anna Karenina sets the impossible and destructive triangle of Anna, her husband Karenin, and her lover Vronsky against the marriage of Levin and Kitty, thus illuminating the most important questions that face humanity. |
6,71 € |
Anna KareninaAudiokniha Anna Karenina, kterou napsal Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj. Tragický příběh lásky v mimořádné nahrávce z roku 1967. Anna Karenina žije příjemný, ale relativně nudný život po boku staršího carského úředníka. Je milující matkou a ctěnou dámou v petrohradské společnosti. Vše se radikálně změní ve ... |
7,96 € |
Anna KareninaAnna Karenina (Keira Knightley) žije v lehce unaveném manželství s vysokým vládním úředníkem (Jude Law), s nímž má malého syna, a její pověst mezi petrohradskou smetánkou nemůže být lepší. Během cesty do Moskvy, kam jede navštívit bratra (Matthew Macfadyen), potká hraběnku Vronskou a na moskevském n... |
3,16 € |
Anna KareninaOne of the greatest novels ever written, Anna Karenina is the story of a beautiful woman whose passionate love for a handsome officer sweeps aside all other ties. This major translation conveys Tolstoy's precision of meaning and emotional accuracy in an English version that is highly readable and st... |
20,05 € |
Anna Karenina - Leo TolstoyOne of the greatest novels ever written, Anna Karenina is the story of a beautiful woman whose passionate love for a handsome officer sweeps aside all other ties. This major new translation conveys Tolstoy's precision of meaning and emotional accuracy in an English version that is highly readable an... |
12,72 € |
Level 6: Anna KareninaClassic / British English Anna Karenina, one of world literature's greatest novels, tells the story of a beautiful young woman who is unhappily married to a man much older than herself. When she falls in love with a handsome young soldier, life suddenly seems wonderful. But real happiness is not so ... |
12,37 € |
Anna Karenina(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) A famous legend surrounding the creation of "Anna Karenina" tells us that Tolstoy began writing a cautionary tale about adultery and ended up falling in love with his magnificent heroine. It is rare to find a reader of the book who doesn't experience the same kind of e... |
30,04 € |
Anna Karenina"Alle glücklichen Familien gleichen einander, jede unglückliche Familie ist auf ihre eigene Weise unglücklich." §Anna Karenina führt ein sorgloses Leben in St. Petersburg. Sie scheint alles zu haben, doch glücklich ist sie nicht. Als der charmante und gutaussehende Graf Wronskij in ihr Leben tritt, ... |
14,56 € |
Anna Karenina (film tie-in)Leo Tolstoy\'s tragic Russian love story \"Anna Karenina\" is now the subject of a major new film adaptation from director Joe Wright (\"Atonement, Pride and Prejudice\"). Starring Keira Knightley (\"A Dangerous Method\") as \"Anna Karenina\", Jude Law (\"Sherlock Holmes\") as her husband Alexei, Aa... |
11,25 € |
Anna Karenina / ruskyAnna Karenina — luchshiy roman o zhenshchine, napisannyy v XIX veke. Po slovam F.M. Dostoyevskogo, Anna Karenina» porazila sovremennikov «ne tol'ko vsednevnost'yu soderzhaniya, no i ogromnoy psikhologicheskoy razrabotkoy dushi chelovecheskoy, strashnoy glubinoy i siloy. Uzhe k nachalu 1900-kh godov ... |
9,27 € |
Anna Karenina - L. N. Tolstoj"Анна Каренина" - лучший роман о женщине, написанный в XIX веке. По словам Ф.М.Достоевского, "Анна Каренина" поразила современников "не только вседневностью содержания, но и огромной психологической разработкой души человеческой, страшной глубиной и силой". Уже к началу 1900-х годов роман Толстого б... |
15,29 € |
Anna Karenina (2012), 1 DVDTechnische Angaben:§Bildformat: 2.40:1 anamorp Widescreen§Sprachen (Tonformat): Deutsch, Englisch, Tschechisch, Türkisch (Dolby Digital 5.1)§Untertitel: Deutsch, Englisch u. a.§Ländercode: 2 |
12,07 € |
"Anna Karenina" ("Tolstoy Leo")"Tolstoy's epic novel of love, destiny and self-destruction, in a gorgeous new clothbound edition from Penguin Classics. Anna Karenina seems to have everything - beauty, wealth, popularity and an adored son. But she feels that her life is empty until the moment she encounters the impetuous officer C... |
24,76 € |
Anna KareninaAnna Karenina is the story of a woman who ab andons her empty existence as a society wife and embarks on a doomed love affair with the passionate but emotionally ban krupt Vronsky. It is widely acknowledged as the greatest nov el in any language ' |
19,06 € |
Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Anna Karenina |
9,01 € |
"Tolstoy Killed Anna Karenina" ("Barrois/Dixon Dara")"In her latest collection, Tosltoy Killed Anna Karenina, Dara Wier brings poems that are by turns heartbreaking and jubilant-and ultimately always |
14,32 € |
Anna Karenina"Анну Каренину" по праву называют самым известным и популярным в мире романом о любви. "Огромная разработка души человеческой", как отзывался о книге Достоевский, — вот, наверное, что больше всего подкупает нас в этой книге. История всепоглощающей страсти, история замужней женщины, полюбившей красав... |
10,52 € |
Anna KareninaConsidered by some to be the greatest novel ever written, "Anna Karenina" is Tolstoy's classic tale of love and adultery set against the backdrop of high society in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. A rich and complex masterpiece, the novel charts the disastrous course of a love affair between Anna, a be... |
17,86 € |
Anna Karenina |
8,80 € |
Anna KareninaTolstoy's epic novel of love, destiny and self-destruction, in a gorgeous new clothbound edition from Penguin Classics. Anna Karenina seems to have everything - beauty, wealth, popularity and an adored son. But she feels that her life is empty until the moment she encounters the impetuous officer Co... |
20,35 € |
Nájdených 431 výsledkov |